about us

Our Origins

Philleann Music emerged from the creative spirit of its founder, Philip Dale, a composer and Celtic artist with a profound appreciation for the power of music to tell stories, and evoke emotions. In 2020, Philip formed a music label to help bring his music to the world.

Our Evolution

What began as a platform to nurture the artistic endeavors of a single individual has grown and blossomed into a collaborative haven for an array of talented musicians. Through our unwavering commitment to quality, authenticity, and creativity, we have attracted artists from various backgrounds who share our dedication to crafting music that resonates emotionally and on a profound level.

Our Vision

Philleann Music embodies the belief that music serves as a universal language, transcending boundaries. Our label exemplifies the unifying strength inherent in music. We wholeheartedly dedicate ourselves to cultivating an environment where artists can openly and without fear express their creative voices.

Our Mission

It is simple yet profound: to curate, produce, and release music that leaves a lasting impact. We are dedicated to capturing the essence of each artist’s vision and sharing it with the world. Through our releases, we strive to enrich lives, spark emotions, and contribute to the global tapestry of musical diversity.